You know when good friends bring you something like this all the way from Asia, that said friends really get you (at least in terms of my makeup interests...). cle de peau is one of those luxe brands that I've not gone near myself for fear I'd love it and my wallet would in turn hate it.
This quad is actually almost a year old now, but it's taken me this long to review because I have only been using it on special occasions.
As with any other luxe brands, it comes with a soft velvety pouch to protect the compact.
The compact itself is simple and minimalistic, with the tiny logo in the corner (I like this kind of style, no need for a big loud logo for me).
The cover is raised and looks like a big jewel (in an elegant way, not at all gawdy).
cle de peau sells the actual eyeshadow apart from the compact. To save money, you could just buy the shadow and use it out of the plastic packaging (oh but that would defeat the purpose of such a product as this...and of all these photos of the compact I just showed you!). The compact also comes with the standard sponge-tip and mini-brush applicators. I typically use my own brushes so can't comment on how useful these are (I imagine I might use them if I took this palette travelling, as I hate to travel with full size brushes).
Ok now onto the actual shadows...
They pop easily into the compact, and also pop out easily enough if you want to change up the palette or if you run out and want to replace (has anyone actually used up a whole eye shadow palette? I've never...)
with bounced flash |
Here are the shadows swatched in the same order as the palette. These shades are of sheer-moderate pigmentation (it took a few swipes to build up to this intensity in the swatches). They're of satin-shimmery nature, and how shimmery they look depend on the lighting. The shimmer is very fine though and there is nearly zero-fallout.
in sunlight |
These blend like a dream on the eyes, with simple brush strokes they nearly blend themselves. Oh and there is no creasing without a primer! My lids aren't as oily as they used to be though so this may not be the case for you. Below is a look I used on one occasion:
I'm liking things more sheer and subtle these days, so I went from light to
dark starting from my inner corner and blended everything out.Although these shadows can build up, I prefer them sheer.
Combo-ed with a pair of half-falsies and thin eyeliner, it came out to a very natural and brightening eye-look.
This is by far now my favorite eyeshadow palette now for a natural look that isn't flat and really helps to make my eyes pop without a huge pop of color.
If you prefer very pigmented shadows though, you may not like this as the amount of building up needed may annoy you, but if you like sheer washes of color that blend like a dream, with a luxe package to boot, you should give this a try! Just be aware this isn't wallet friendly...
What do you think of cle de peau? Any other products from them I should try? (other than their infamous concealer...)